Olive’s Garden Fundraiser

Olive’s Neighborhood Garden for the Hungry is having a fundraiser on April 1st.

Come out on Saturday, April 1st, from 3:00 to 6:00 at Rabbits Bar and Grill (4945 West Foster Avenue, at the corner of Foster and Elston) and help Olives Neighborhood Garden for the Hungry grow fresh food for neighbors who have fallen on hard times. Come Early, Stay Late!

Admission is free. There will be raffles for items donated by local companies and a cash prize raffle. Contact Andy at 773-502-4651 or GardenfortheHungry@hotmail.com if you’d like to buy a ticket, donate a prize, become a sponsor or just find out what’s up.The food grown in the garden helps serve 70-80 families per week at the Food Pantry at the Northwest Church of Christ, Kilbourn and Wilson.