Jardincito: El Jardin Communitario de la 23rd y Whipple
Tomorrow, you can buy tasty food and benefit NeighborSpace gardens. Shop at any of Whole Foods’s five Chicago locations on Earth Day (Tuesday, April 22nd), and 5% of your purchase will be donated to NeighborSpace community gardens. Each store will donate to a different community site: Gold Coast Whole Foods at 30 W Huron will… Read more On Tuesday, Whole Foods Chicago will donate profits to NeighborSpace Gardens!
Despite the drizzle, the June 14th Community Canvassing Day for the Jardincito Play Garden at 23rd and Whipple was a success! Volunteers made face-to-face contacts with over 100 neighbors near the 23rd and Whipple site and distributed flyers announcing the concept of a Nature Play Garden. Neighbors looked through bilingual “flip books” (pictured, lower left)… Read more Jardincito: Sharing the Neighborhood’s Play Garden Dreams
JARDINCITO: A Garden for Play in Little Village Come learn more about the Jardincito project occurring at 23rd and Whipple. We will walk around the neighborhood to share information about the Jardincito project with community members. Youth and adults are invited! June 15th, 10 a.m. Spry School Library 2400 S. Marshall Blvd Chicago, IL 60623 For more… Read more JARDINCITO – 23rd and Whipple – Community Meeting this Saturday, June 15th
The Jardincito Nature Play Garden is a place where young children can play in and explore nature right in their own neighborhood. Rather than the traditional swings and slides, there are features borrowed from the natural world: an earthen mound, balancing logs, a herd of boulders, a pebble pool, a play deck, and play huts.… Read more Jardincito
Little Village is welcoming a new NeighborSpace-protected garden at 23rd and Whipple with a workday this Friday. Come join us and get your hands in the earth. Good Afternoon, Join us at the 23rd and Whipple Community Garden Workday. The workday will take place this Friday, April 26th from 9am -2pm. Help us build and install… Read more Workday at our new garden at 23rd and Whipple this Friday
Our friends at El Jardin Communitario de la 23rd y Whipple, in partnership with Community Links High School, the Boys and Girls Club, Taller de Jose, La Familia Unida, Alderman Cardenas, the Trust for Public Land, and NeighborSpace, are starting the first play garden in Chicago. Check out the details below, and feel free to distribute this printable flyer.… Read more April 6th: Announcing Planning Meeting for Play Garden in Little Village