Partnership Agreement Document

Fill out Partnership Agreement forms online, which are linked here.

Partnership Agreement Document- Printable PDF

Additional Resources

Above you will find documents that together form NeighborSpace’s Partnership Agreement with the main garden stakeholders. While we don’t require all gardeners to fill out an online form, we highly encourage all garden leaders to share the printable document with garden members. You will see both the printable document and the online form above. NeighborSpace asks that gardener leaders and community partners, for sake of efficiency, fill out the set of Partnership Agreement forms online, which again are linked here.

If you are a leader or community organization of a NeighborSpace protected garden, you will be required to fill out a partnership agreement on a yearly basis. Doing this is extremely helpful in clarifying mutual agreements between NeighborSpace and garden leadership teams, as well as being a reminder of what resources are available from NeighborSpace staff. It is also a way for NeighborSpace staff to keep track of big picture plans and ongoing challenges of each of its more than 135 gardens from across the city of Chicago.

If there are questions or concerns, or if you need help filling out the online form, please contact NeighborSpace at, or call our office at 773-826-3240.