Report on Volunteer Day at Hermitage Community Gardens

Here’s a great report from Hermitage Community Gardens’ garden leader Cordia Pugh on a recent volunteer day at their site in Englewood. How are you engaging volunteers at your garden?

We want to thank the volunteers from the Civic Education Project at Northwestern University who visited us yesterday Friday April 14, 2017. It was a great volunteer day and our thanks to the students and chaperones: Ananya, Smirthi, Emily, Grace, Claire, Carmen, Justin, Etienne, AJ, Jyler and Lorena!

The Civic Education Project’s CivicWeek brings together outstanding students from around the country for service, learning, leadership, and laughter. The city where they service becomes a classroom as students gain hands-on experience with important social issues and explore careers that make a difference in fields like health, human rights, law, politics, and urban development projects (like community gardens.

Together with an experienced staff team, groups of 12 to 18 students engage in meaningful service, meetings with professionals and community leaders, and hands-on learning in a fun and supportive living-learning community.

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