NeighborSpace Year in Review 2012
What makes your block into a neighborhood? For many residents of Englewood, it’s Honore Street Urban Farm. A part of Growing Home, Honore Street Urban Farm is a community-centered urban farm that will operate a year-round greenhouse, grow fresh healthy food for the area, and also provide workforce training in urban agriculture. As noted by Senator Dick Durbin… Read more NeighborSpace Year in Review: Honore Street Urban Farm
What makes your block into a neighborhood? For many residents of the Irving Park neighborhood, it’s Merchant Park Community Garden. Merchant Park is a model of community organization spirit. The gardeners strive to provide an opportunity for neighbors and their children to work, play, learn and grow together, and aims to benefit the community at… Read more NeighborSpace Year in Review: Merchant Park
What makes your block into a neighborhood? For many residents of the Austin neighborhood, it’s Paradise Garden. Paradise Garden wasn’t always a paradise. In fact, the property once housed an abandoned building that the neighborhood children had to pass on their way to school. After a 14-year old girl was raped at the site, Mary Peery… Read more NeighborSpace Year in review: Paradise Garden
What makes your block into a neighborhood? For some of the Chicagoans living in Little Village, the Chicago community with the least amount of green space, it’s 6062Trees: Sembrando Bajo el Sol, or “sowing in the sun.” Since 2008, under the leadership of Enlace, this space has been transformed from a concrete lot into a… Read more NeighborSpace Year in Review: 6062Trees
What makes your block into a neighborhood? For the Chicagoans living near the intersection of Grand and Pulaski, it’s Children’s Garden of Hope. This year, the ACE Design Build Workshop worked with a team of 15 CPS high school students to create an inverted trumpet flower structure that does duty as public artwork, rain catchment… Read more NeighborSpace Year in Review: Children’s Garden of Hope