Meet Up

NeighborSpace Winter Workshops on February 6th – RSVP

Gardeners use the winter months to restore their spirit, stock up on ideas, and gather resources for the spring. NeighborSpace is offering two action-packed winter workshop sessions on Saturday, February 6th that will get you and your fellow gardeners ready for the growing season. Come meet us, eat free lunch, ask questions, and get support. TOOL… Read more NeighborSpace Winter Workshops on February 6th – RSVP

Jardincito – Children’s Tree Planting / SIEMBRA DE ÁRBOLES PARA LOS NIÑOS

Date: April 25 Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Cost: FREE rain or shine Jardincito Advisory Council invites you and your young children to a CHILDREN’S TREE PLANTING Please join us for a very special ceremonial tree planting to celebrate the launch of Jardincito Community Play Garden! Bring your shovel! Bring a spoon! Bring your… Read more Jardincito – Children’s Tree Planting / SIEMBRA DE ÁRBOLES PARA LOS NIÑOS

TOOL UP – workshop for NeighborSpace gardens – Saturday, May 2nd

Get spring started in your garden with this action-packed NeighborSpace workshop on May 2nd. Come for a refresher course on what it means to be a NeighborSpace-protected garden. TOOL UP with NeighborSpace When: Saturday, May 2nd, 10 am to noon. (with free lunch at 11:30) Where: Chicago Center for Green Technology, 445 N Sacramento Blvd. Cost: FREE Come meet… Read more TOOL UP – workshop for NeighborSpace gardens – Saturday, May 2nd

Weather Resilience Workshops

The City of Chicago is hosting a series of neighborhood workshops to address the region’s resilience to incidents of extreme weather, especially rainstorms that cause floods and related damage. The purpose of the workshops is to identify techniques and infrastructure improvements that foster sustainability and reduce damage to private and public property. Please attend to… Read more Weather Resilience Workshops