Urban Agriculture

Maximize Bionutrients with this Two-Day Workshop

The Bionutrient Food Association’s Dan Kittredge is leading a series of workshops around the country targeted at growing the most nutrient-rich crops possible. The Chicago workshop takes place Saturday, March 29th and Sunday March 30th, and you can register here. The North Lawndale Greening Committee, The Garfield Park Community Council, and The Garfield Park Conservatory… Read more Maximize Bionutrients with this Two-Day Workshop

Growing Station gets the cover treatment in EPA report

Growing Station‘s snazzy kitchen sink planter made the cover of the EPA’s fascinating report on the environmental challenges of growing food on urban brownfields: Just as conventional agriculture can pose risks to farmers, neighbors, and the environment, each urban agriculture scenario poses its own risks. The convened experts developed a list of ideas and a… Read more Growing Station gets the cover treatment in EPA report