Share the Harvest

KAMII hosts Food Justice and Sustainability Weekend

Our friends at KAMII congregation are hosting a Food Justice & Sustainability Weekend from January 17 to 19 inspired by Martin Luther King, Jr. and by Tu B’Shevat, an “ancient agricultural tax day that was reinterpreted to have spiritual significance by the Jewish mystics in the middle ages…now considered the Jewish arbor day.” NeighborSpace’s own… Read more KAMII hosts Food Justice and Sustainability Weekend

Share the Harvest: Frankie Machine Donates Chard, Cabbage

Frankie Machine Garden in West Town had their first harvest of Swiss chard and cabbage for donation last week. They have partnered with the Northwest Food Partners Network (NFPN), an alliance of organizations working on food security, nutrition, and ending hunger. The produce was shared for First Bethlehem Lutheran Church’s emergency food distribution.

Share the Harvest: Whitney Young and Whipple Team Up

Students from Whitney Young High School have teamed up with NeighborSpace’s Whipple Community Garden in Logan Square to help start a pantry plot. Community engagement is one of the ten pillars that students must fulfill for an environmental project in their biology class. This communal vegetable plot, dedicated to growing produce for a nearby food pantry, will bring community… Read more Share the Harvest: Whitney Young and Whipple Team Up