North Lawndale

Lawndale Triangle Garden – Grand Opening, June 3rd

Lawndale Triangle Neighborhood Invites you to the Grand Opening of Lawndale Triangle Garden. 4228 W. Ogden Avenue June 3rd, 2017 10 am to 2 pm ALL WELCOME! Celebrate this neighborhood accomplishment, and learn how to get more involved. Kids Nature Play Garden Open Ribbon Cutting and Blessing Musical Entertainment Food and Drink Printable Flyer

February 28th work day at African Heritage Garden

NORTH LAWNDALE PRUNING WORKDAY AFRICAN HERITAGE GARDEN 1245 S. Central Park Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9 am to 12 pm Join us as we kick off another growing season in the garden! The North Lawndale Greening Committee in partnership with Openlands and NeighborSpace, will be hosting a Pruning Workday at the African Heritage Garden. Volunteers… Read more February 28th work day at African Heritage Garden

Weather Resilience Workshops

The City of Chicago is hosting a series of neighborhood workshops to address the region’s resilience to incidents of extreme weather, especially rainstorms that cause floods and related damage. The purpose of the workshops is to identify techniques and infrastructure improvements that foster sustainability and reduce damage to private and public property. Please attend to… Read more Weather Resilience Workshops

Maximize Bionutrients with this Two-Day Workshop

The Bionutrient Food Association’s Dan Kittredge is leading a series of workshops around the country targeted at growing the most nutrient-rich crops possible. The Chicago workshop takes place Saturday, March 29th and Sunday March 30th, and you can register here. The North Lawndale Greening Committee, The Garfield Park Community Council, and The Garfield Park Conservatory… Read more Maximize Bionutrients with this Two-Day Workshop

Volunteers Needed: Unity Park Garden, Saturday Nov 9

Our friends at Midwest Ecological Landscape Alliance (MELA) and Unity Park need helping hands for a workday this Saturday. Call Rinda West at 773-575-1205 to take advantage of a chance to get your hands in the dirt before the weather gets too wintry! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR GOOD WORK! MELA’s newest sustainable pro bono effort, Unity… Read more Volunteers Needed: Unity Park Garden, Saturday Nov 9

CCCG releases 2013 garden tour schedule

The seeds planted at the Connecting Chicago Community Gardeners (CCCG) conference this past February are starting to sprout! Gardeners have created a weekend-by-weekend schedule of garden tours happening throughout the city. Learn more about your own neighborhood, or get out to see what’s going on in other communities. Check back here throughout the summer for… Read more CCCG releases 2013 garden tour schedule

Two Workdays Coming Up in North Lawndale

The North Lawndale Greening Committee has two workdays scheduled soon. First: Saturday, April 20 at the preSERVE Garden at 1233 S Central Park.  Our partners for this garden are Slow Food Chicago, the Chicago Honey Co-op, NeighborSpace, and the North Lawndale Greening. We focus on healthy food production in this garden. Last year we raised five varieties of… Read more Two Workdays Coming Up in North Lawndale

UPDATE: EVENT CANCELLED — Slow Food and preSERVE are joining forces, and you can help them.

UPDATE: EVENT CANCELLED. It’s just too darn cold, and the ground is still very much frozen. We’ll post a new date if we get one.      Slow Food Chicago and preSERVE Garden have an exciting partnership. Here’s how you can join them on their first workday of the year. Volunteers needed! Spring is here,… Read more UPDATE: EVENT CANCELLED — Slow Food and preSERVE are joining forces, and you can help them.