Year: 2016

NeighborSpace Welcomes Three New Gardens

NeighborSpace has just welcomed three new gardens into the land trust: Bronzeville Alliance Neighborhood Garden Dorchester Community Garden Eat to Live Incubator Farm in Englewood Want to help NeighborSpace protect these and 100+ other gardens in perpetuity as vital community resources? Please consider making a donation.

NeighborSpace Winter Workshops on February 6th – RSVP

Gardeners use the winter months to restore their spirit, stock up on ideas, and gather resources for the spring. NeighborSpace is offering two action-packed winter workshop sessions on Saturday, February 6th that will get you and your fellow gardeners ready for the growing season. Come meet us, eat free lunch, ask questions, and get support. TOOL… Read more NeighborSpace Winter Workshops on February 6th – RSVP